App JusCards

"Sales App for Educational Content developed for JusCards company

The Client
JusCards is a company formed by doctoral professors in the field of Law who saw an opportunity to venture into the education market with a software solution. The team also includes various professionals throughout Brazil who create and distribute educational content within the platform.

The Needs

Flashcards are cards composed of questions and answers that facilitate the retention of information. JusCards requested the development of a digital platform that enables the sale and use of educational content through flashcards. Their target audience includes exam candidates, law graduates, students, and professionals.

The Project
Following JusCards' visual identity and a unique layout designed by Aldabra, a user-friendly app for purchasing and studying with flashcards was created. On the home screen, students browse the flashcard store, organized by categories. After acquiring the material, users can view the flashcard questions and answers through an intuitive and user-friendly interface, and track their performance on the study details screen.

For platform administrators, a web-based administrative panel was prepared. Through it, content available in the app can be added, sales can be monitored, and the user list can be organized.
The platform also includes an institutional website, designed to serve as a web showcase for JusCards. Through it, customers learn about the solution and are directed to download the app, in addition to serving as a contact reference between the team and customers.

Category: App development
Created on: 2023-03-08

"Sales App for Educational Content developed for JusCards company

Projetos de App development: Website JusCards